Psyche Out

Psyche Out

You are watching Psyche Out the movie produced in US belongs with duration 60 Min in Category . broadcast at , by N/A The opening moments of "Psyche Out" introduce a young boy who craves the adventures achieved in the surf. The boy -- or at least his dreams -- seem like they could provide a recurring framing device for Walt Phillips' third film (following "Sunset Surf Craze" and "Surf Mania"), but that's the last we see of the boy or hear of ambitions. "Psyche Out" contains less poetic musing, travelogue, comic relief or similar stuff characteristic of surf films of the time, in favor of surf action at Malibu, Point Zero, Rincon and Steamer Lane. This is to the benefit of the film..
Release: 1962-07-05
Duration: 99 min
Production: N/A

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