The Infantas

The Infantas

You are watching The Infantas the movie produced in Spain belongs with duration 14 Min in Category . broadcast at , by [ Amor y Lujo, S.L. ] ,[ ICEC ] Carnival in Barcelona. The Dominican troupe is the most popular at the most attended parade in the city, and for the first time this year, they are parading with a float. Ruth, the owner of a Latin hairdresser's, is sponsoring the float so that she can put her daughter Rihanna in it. Rihanna usually dresses like a tomboy and Ruth wants everyone to see her like a princess for once. But the tutu and tiara are a shaming too unbearable for the until then submissive Rihanna..
Release: 2021-09-11
Duration: 99 min
Production: Amor y Lujo, S.L. ,ICEC

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