Sentimientos Ajenos

Sentimientos Ajenos

You are watching Sentimientos Ajenos the serie belongs in Category , Talk Show with duration Array Min and original name [Sentimientos Ajenos], broadcast at streamingjoy.COM, Sentimientos Ajenos is a Mexican telenovela produced by Televisa in 1996 which starred Carlos Ponce and Yolanda Andrade. Although the plot was twisted and sometimes absurd, it successfully took rating away from the time's toughest competitor in terms of telenovela ratings, TV Azteca. The theme song, Sin Amor, was sung by Aranza, who would later move to TV Azteca and sing the theme song for one of Mexico's most important telenovelas, Mirada de Mujer..
Release: 2020
Casts: N/A
number of season : 0 min
original name: Sentimientos Ajenos
Production: N/A