Love with a Case

Love with a Case

You are watching Love with a Case the serie belongs in Category Drama,Mystery, , Talk Show with duration Array Min and original name [初恋の悪魔], broadcast at streamingjoy.COM, Detective Suzunosuke Shikahama is currently suspended from work after a screw up. He gets together with Haruhi Mabuchi from the Administration Bureau, Sesuna Tsumiki from the Community Safety Bureau, and Ruka Kotori from Accounting. All from different departments and carrying their own baggage, the four join forces. They’re not exactly what you would call champions of justice. They’re not even ambitious enough to go for success. All they want is the truth..
Release: 2022-09-17
Genres: Drama,Mystery,
number of season : 1 min
original name: 初恋の悪魔
Production: N/A

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2 Love with a Case ( ( )