Girls und Panzer

Girls und Panzer

You are watching Girls und Panzer the serie belongs in Category Action & Adventure,Animation,Comedy, , Talk Show with duration Array Min and original name [ガールズ&パンツァー], broadcast at streamingjoy.COM, In this world, Sensha-do (戦車道), the art of tank-combat, is a traditional Japanese martial art for girls. Miho, a girl who just transferred into the Ōrai Girls' Academy in Ibaraki Prefecture, has been ordered by the academy's student council chairperson to join the school team and compete in the national Sensha-do championships..
Release: 2013-03-25
Genres: Action & Adventure,Animation,Comedy,
number of season : 1 min
original name: ガールズ&パンツァー
Production: Actas

External streaming sources

Name url
1 Girls und Panzer ( ( )
2 Girls und Panzer ( ( )