

You are watching Xanadu the serie belongs in Category Drama, , Talk Show with duration Array Min and original name [Xanadu], broadcast at streamingjoy.COM, The family Valadine has produced porno movies since years. But the golden age of the erotic film is over. The market, the business and the movies are getting harder. Nevertheless Alex Valadine refuses to go with the latest trends and gets in conflict with his sons, the next generation of porno maker. The family empire bursts under the consequences of intrigues and corruption. In this world of love and hate, sex and violence the family is facing a big challenge..
number of season : 1 min
original name: Xanadu
Production: Haut et Court

External streaming sources

Name url
1 Xanadu (dailymotion.live) ( )
2 Xanadu (streamlook.me) ( )