No Activity

No Activity

You are watching No Activity the serie belongs in Category Comedy, , Talk Show with duration Array Min and original name [No Activity], broadcast at streamingjoy.COM, The nightly exploits of our boys and girls in blue, and their shady criminal counterparts, through an unfolding kidnapping investigation. Truth is, being a cop or a crook is nowhere near as exciting as Hollywood would have us believe. Long nights with nothing to do but watch and wait, and spin a yarn or two... or, in the case of these over-caffeinated, sleep-deprived souls, share way too much information about themselves, opine on matters far beyond their qualifications, and discuss topics that most would agree are strictly NSFW..
Release: 2016-10-26
Genres: Comedy,
number of season : 2 min
original name: No Activity
Production: Jungle Entertainment

External streaming sources

Name url
1 No Activity ( ( )
2 No Activity ( ( )