Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day

You are watching Valentine's Day the serie belongs in Category Comedy, , Talk Show with duration Array Min and original name [Valentine's Day], broadcast at streamingjoy.COM, Valentine's Day is a 1964 comedy television series that appeared on ABC's schedule. The series starred Tony Franciosa as Valentine Farrow, a swinging Manhattan publishing executive, and Jack Soo, later of Barney Miller as Rocky Sin, Farrow's poker-playing con-artist valet. The show was created by Hal Kanter and lasted only one season. One noteworthy episode was produced as a tie-in to the movie Rio Conchos, in which Franciosa co-starred; he played both Valentine and his Mexican character from the feature..
Release: 1965-05-07
Genres: Comedy,
number of season : 1 min
original name: Valentine's Day

External streaming sources

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1 Valentine's Day ( ( )
2 Valentine's Day ( ( )