Cain's Father

Cain's Father

You are watching Cain's Father the serie belongs in Category Drama,Crime, , Talk Show with duration Array Min and original name [El padre de Caín], broadcast at streamingjoy.COM, The Basque Country, Spain, 1980s. In an atmosphere of tension and fear, where the harassment of separatist nationalism and the violence of ETA terrorist gang are a constant in life, Eloy, a young civil guard from Madrid, arrives at the Intxaurrondo base, in San Sebastián, as a volunteer; a hostile environment that causes havoc among his companions: alcoholism, depression and suicides reign. The so-called “Northern Syndrome” kills as much as bombs do..
Release: 2016-12-07
Genres: Drama,Crime,
number of season : 1 min
original name: El padre de Caín
Production: Boomerang TV

External streaming sources

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1 Cain's Father ( ( )
2 Cain's Father ( ( )