Ozanari Dungeon: The Tower of Wind

Ozanari Dungeon: The Tower of Wind

You are watching Ozanari Dungeon: The Tower of Wind the serie belongs in Category Action & Adventure,Comedy,Sci-Fi & Fantasy,Animation, , Talk Show with duration Array Min and original name [おざなりダンジョン 風の塔], broadcast at streamingjoy.COM, Mocha and her two companions are adventurers for hire. Unfortunately, their quest for wealth is hampered by their inability to finish a job. Just as they are going broke, Mocha contracts to steal a mystic dragon's head from the secluded temple of fire. When the trio finally escapes with the head, it speaks, offering a fortune for abandoning the contract and taking it to a different temple. Mocha readily agrees. They soon find themselves fighting their employer to prevent the end of the world..
Release: 1991-12-20
Genres: Action & Adventure,Comedy,Sci-Fi & Fantasy,Animation,
number of season : 1 min
original name: おざなりダンジョン 風の塔